By Coach Joelle Prochera, professional life coach, fellow launcher and creator of the MAKE YOUR LIFE PROGRAM where you get to experience the magic of your life lived on purpose! To hear more from Coach Joelle subscribe to the Livloud! Newsletter or read the coach joelle blog.
Wanna Know What I Think About The Youth of America?
Personally, I think they rock.
And no, not like the guitar-wailing, classic rock of their parents’ generation. I mean, they R.O.C. K. (They are Refreshingly Organized Conscientious Kids!(Ok, technically they are “young adults” but then it would spell ROCYA – which kinda works too ;-))
It all started several months ago when I got clear on something, and that was that I was tired of trying to be a one-woman show—a coach, marketing expert, graphic designer, editor, and web designer. I had big dreams and a big vision but I was worn-out from wearing all the hats. I wanted to just be me and bring my own skills, talents and passions to the table while surrounding myself with energetic people, each working in their own area of excellence. Basically, I just wanted to coach and not be bogged down with all the technical details.
Now this all sounded great in theory, but I was not in a financial position to hire $250,000 worth of skilled professionals. Then, much to my delight, a friend shared with me a little website called, a website created for the purpose of matching employers with local college students. I said to myself, “What the heck, Joelle?” and I signed up. I began thinking about who I would want supporting me, if I could have anyone on my team, what skills would they bring? So I wrote out my wish list of the characteristics and abilities I wanted my team to possess.
Within days, much to my delight, the resumes started pouring in.
Less than two months later, my business is thriving thanks to the incredible support of five amazing student interns.
May I Introduce…:
• Megan and Jessica - both graphic design interns who are currently making PowerPoint presentations for various speaking events and designing logos for programs I’m developing.
• LaShawn and Theresa - both digital video interns who advised me on equipment needed to produce in-house videos and created opportunity and motivation for me to get both a brand new computer and a video camera. We are currently in production on the “Things That I’ve Learned from My Cats” coaching video (watch for it!)
• Monica - my writer/editor intern supporting the ever long-winded, spelling challenged Coach Joelle, cleaning up my writing and paying close attention to detail. She will be assisting me in writing my first book this summer and with a little direction, wrote the article you are reading right now ( so cool! ;-).)
For those of you who are intrigued by the idea, I strongly encourage you to investigate this option for yourself. When properly orchestrated the intern-employer relationship is a true win-win. The business person gets to forward their business and increase productivity with individuals skilled in a variety of areas, and the interns get valuable real-life experience in their fields along with letters of reference and professional work for their portfolio.
Did I happen to mention that less than half my group is doing this for school credit? The others are doing it simply to volunteer their time to develop their craft. Wow! I know.
Oh, and did I mention that I have seen nothing but commitment, timeliness, adherence to deadlines, ability to accept feedback, willingness to learn and openness to trying to new things?
It has been nothing but an honor and a delight to have these people in my life!
This is a call to action for all you entrepreneurs out there, with businesses of all shapes and sizes. The youth of America are waiting to better themselves and contribute to the work you’re doing.
After all, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
So…what are you waiting for? Help build the future. Hire an intern today!
“This all sounds great, Joelle. But how do I go about hiring an intern for my business?”
How to Hire an Intern in 5 Easy Steps:
1. Find your intern source. Approach local colleges or universities about job/internship fairs or Google search for websites where you can post your listing. There are people out there waiting to support your business!
2. Clearly state the job description and your expectations. The clearer you are up front, the easier it will be to ensure the job is a match for both you and the student.
3. Interview. Conduct a thorough interview as though you are hiring a fulltime person for your business. Clear expectations are the surest way to create a win-win for both you and the student.
4. Communicate, communicate, communicate. This is perhaps the most important part of the whole process. Discuss your expectations, develop timelines, and set time aside for weekly or biweekly feedback sessions.
5. Have fun! Bringing the youth, the skill, and the energy of students into your business can be an incredibly enriching and rewarding experience. Enjoy!
Oh…and did I mention that the youth of America rocks? ;-)
Smiles and Success to You!
Coach Joelle
DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR COACH JOELLE?: I am looking for the opportunity to fully serve each of you on your personal adventure. If you have a life or business challenge that you would like a coaching perspective on, please share your comments below or email me at [email protected].
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