August 16, 1998 was the day of my liberation from the culture of the corporate cubicle. Upon returning from a two week vacation at our beach house rental on Fire Island, I knew that I was about to be set free from being a corporate drudge in a dysfunctional culture. My friends and colleagues were crying and I was dancing all the way out the door.
Afer receiving my "package"I was on my way to a new life. Freedom, flexibility and new adventures, I never thought possible.
Here's a few things to remember when you have had enough of working in the culture of the corporate cubicle.
Plan ahead and you can enjoy the ride.
I. If you know you want to go, plan your escape by building your reserves. (In my case I received a nice severance, however I had been saving for this day for a long time.) My reserve of cash was ready when it was time to leave.
2. Build a reserve of contacts. Before you make the exits have you been getting out there and meeting people? If you have, then when it 's time to go you will have more freedom to do what you want, more contacts to call upon. If you haven't start now. Join social networks give people the gift of your time and caring. When I left I had a great consulting gig that landed in my lap because I had spent a great deal of time building up my networks and the relationships within them.
3. Build up a reserve of love. If you are not loving your job and you know that in the not too distant future you will either leave or be asked to leave, let your friends and family members know what is happening to you. Enroll them in the idea that their support and love is valued as you plan your move.
4. Build up a reserve of energy by taking really good care of yourself every day. Little things mean a lot. Eat well, get your z-z-z-z's and exercise will all help you later when you make a break for the exits. One thing I learned was that even though I wanted to leave I fell into a slump, I missed my friends, the technology help line and the corporate trappings for a while. Prepare by being in really, really good shape so you weather the storm.
5. Start to view your next act through a lens of your passion and purpose. When I left the corporate cubicle culture,I decided to do what I was already doing in the corporate cubicle along with my job as a creative services manager: personal coaching. Why? I love to inspire others to be their best, I was , so in 1999 I enrolled in the 3 year training program at Coach University and Success In Style was launched. What is a dream you left behind because you had to play it safe and secure?
The gift you give yourself of following your heart will carry you along.
There is a Zen saying that has guided me often, "Leap and the net will appear."
Nancy Mindes is a member of the NY Incubator. She is trained profession Success Attraction Coach who works with women who want to be bold, live rich, play big and do good. Her perfect clients are those whose stars on on the rise creating businesses that make a difference and a profit. She is a featured blogger on and her website is