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March 11, 2008


Beth Murphey

I loved what you wrote! I really enjoyed the book as well! Of course the next step is Skinny Bitch in the Kitch for a whole book of recipies.


I love your posting. The next step is the Skinny Bitch in the Kitch which is a book of vegetarian recipies.

Bevla Reeves

I read this book last Fall and it changed my life! I had been struggling for 3 years with making food choices that not only nourished and healed my body, but mind and soul. The struggle had reached a peak to the point of depression and I finally surrendered it to God. The very next day, a miracle happened. I went to the book store as I often do to find solace and on my way to the check out counter to purchase a book, I noticed Skinny Bitch on a shelf. It drew me to it and I grabbed it on impulse with a strong desire to purchase it as well. I had no clue what it was about, but I hoped it would make me laugh thinking maybe it was about celebrity gossip and mishaps. I say a miracle happened because I went home that night and devoured the book from cover to cover realizing it was God answering my prayer to "Stop the Madness" between me and food! The very next day I cleaned out my fridge and cabinets and starting eating a Vegan diet. I haven't felt this good in years, or had as much peace of mind regarding food. Now, I don't consider myself a "Vegan" because I'm not hard-core and I do wear leather and like a piece of cheese or chocolate every now and then, but eating a Vegan diet 98% of the time has made me a new woman! ~;o) Thanks for the post!

Bevla Reeves
LWL AZ Leader

Coach Joelle

hi Beth and Bevla,

Thank you for your comments. Bevla, Thank you so much for sharing your passion on the topic and for sharing your personal journey. It is amazing what asking and then listening can produce in life. Way to give it over!

Hugs to you both!

Coach Joelle

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