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May 21, 2008



This information couldn't have come at a better time. I just wrote a blogg about how I'm juggling between family and my career. I do judge women a lot and I shouldn't. I'm so independent that I can't stand to talk to some of the military wives who literally ask their husbands permission to have a life, for money, access to the car, etc. That bothers me so much. I think it bothers me because my grandmother waited on my grandfather hand and foot and he still treated her as if she were any female other than his wife. I'm working on me though so I guess thats what matters, but it just bothers me when I see a husband who always leaves his family at night for the "night life action" but will tell his wife she can't go to the gym to work out because there are too many men there. Does anyone else feel my frustration?

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